Telegram has introduced a new third-party account verification system and enhanced filtering features as part of its latest updates aimed at improving security and content management.
The new verification system allows organizations and businesses to authenticate accounts via third-party platforms, moving away from Telegram’s previous approach that primarily focused on public figures and official bodies. Verified accounts will now display a distinct logo rather than the traditional blue checkmark. This decentralized approach is designed to reduce scams and misinformation while increasing transparency .
Organizations can use Telegram’s Bot API to assign or remove verification status, providing flexibility and scalability for businesses managing multiple accounts .
Improved Filtering and Reporting Tools
Telegram has also introduced enhanced filtering options and improved reporting tools to tackle inappropriate content more effectively. These tools give users greater control over what they see while enabling faster reporting of suspicious activities .
The update further includes a platform for businesses to send verification codes via Telegram instead of SMS, promising lower costs, faster delivery, and higher security. Users can also send digital gifts using Telegram Stars, which can be showcased on their profiles .
Telegram’s latest enhancements signal its continued focus on providing secure and user-friendly features, reinforcing its position as a versatile communication platform.