Bolt, the popular ride-hailing service, has taken decisive action against users involved in a growing trend of fake ride requests followed by cancellations. The company has blocked several accounts that were exploiting this tactic, which disrupts the platform and inconveniences drivers.
The fake ride request trend involves users booking rides and then canceling them shortly after, often with the intent of causing disruptions or manipulating the system. Bolt has identified these patterns and swiftly responded by blocking accounts linked to this fraudulent activity. This move is part of the company’s broader efforts to maintain the integrity of its platform and ensure a smooth experience for both drivers and passengers.
Such fraudulent activities not only waste drivers' time but also affect their earnings and the overall efficiency of the ride-hailing system. By blocking these accounts, Bolt is sending a clear message that it will not tolerate actions that undermine the trust and reliability of its service.
Bolt is continuously monitoring its platform for any suspicious activities and is committed to taking necessary steps to protect its users.